


SUA Standard Program

SUA standard program curriculum is comprised of regular curriculum of std. 11th &12th (CBSE/GSEB) along with the essential grooming aspects to prepare the students to match with the required parameters of university admission abroad. This program will also support the students with essential foundation for lifelong learning.

So, when students take admission in grade 11th (Science) under SUA Standard Program, along with the schooling and SAT preparation, they are offered the following programs mandatorily

This program will enhance their competency, skills and capabilities to help them achieve their academic pursuits better and to become more competent individuals as ethical/ practical leaders in a global society. With this, it is to specify that the courses and the Community Club activities under the standard program can expand students’ fundamental knowledge, abilities, and perceptual sensibilities.

Purpose of standard program:

  • To help students providing skills that are in line with foreign education curriculum and enable them to pace with forthcoming formative and transformative process,
  • Help them exploring their hidden talents and develop their confidence with improving their focus and drive towards study abroad.
  • Prepare and stretch them beyond their textbook knowledge for unmatched career opportunities.

Benefits of standard program:

  • Enhanced competency and enriched capacities.
  • The more time a student spends learning, the more efficiently that time is used, the higher their achievement
  • SUA students will experience creative ways to extend time on learning will likely be more effective and help them have a smooth transition from home to their desired university abroad
  • Students from SUA will face relatively lesser limitations and restrictions when they apply for college/university abroad.
  • Expands their opportunities for applications and scholarships at universities abroad.

SUA Optional Program :

The 21st century requires certain skills that today’s students need to flourish in their careers. The following skills and competencies are what SUA Optional Program comprises of – English Foundation program for students from vernacular background, foreign language (French/ German), skill development, and Entrance exam preparation (SAT) for university admission abroad as well as University Admission in India with multiple options to choose from, and all these efforts are a part of trying to equip students with the motive of our concept (Schooling+ Grooming+ University Admission Abroad)

Benefits of SUA Optional Program:

Note: students from any background (Gujarati or English medium), can opt for this program along with grade 11th GSEB/CBSE .