You are your greatest asset. Put your time, effort, and money into training, grooming, and encouraging your greatest asset.
At SUA, we understand the significant impact of grooming on a student's overall development. How you carry yourself, dress, speak, and conduct yourself shapes not just your personality but also your confidence and ability to make a lasting impression wherever you go. Grooming is essential in building self-assurance and presenting oneself positively in the world.
At SUA grooming is comprise of multiple trainings such as Image building, to ensure personality development in both personal and professional life, Skills development courses to ensure financial independence when abroad, English Enrichment program before directly appearing for IELTS/PTE to make their grip strong as well as to prove their English language proficiency, and the Internships while in High school for the real time global exposure and much more to make them Globally competitive. We emphasize that skills, experience, and qualifications are integral parts of our grooming process.
SUA Offers
As per the statistics its evident that how much important it is to not only afford and intend to learn is, but how other factors such as Native language interaction, good material and best teaching methods are important, here at SUA we have all that covered in a way that although it is introduced in first semester but the intense practice will eventually progress up until final semester.
Inherent benefits to our students –
One and only high School program which enables you to acquire earning capabilities too when you land in foreign countries to assure financial independence.
Grow your Future employability Opportunities Abroad While study in India at grade 11th and 12th
Inbuilt skill development curriculum for high School students in association with best Skill Providers to enhance students' employability and financial independence while their study abroad.
Skill development Certification program:–
Hands on experience -
During any of your chosen program SUA will make sure that students are given practical training also to give them relevant experience on the field.
Program benefits:
Since English is the most commonly spoken language around the globe, it can provide the necessary confidence in order to pursue one's goal anywhere in the world.
At SUA, the English Enrichment program will allow students to communicate effectively with people from all over the world, making traveling a lot easier and helping them to learn more about different cultures. The importance of the English language can be seen in almost every aspect of our lives.
This program enables students to hone their language skills in academic writing, reading, listening and speaking and comprehend the English language to a high level and prepares them for study in a university environment abroad.
This Program provides interactive, student-centered English lessons to equip high school students with necessary English Language skills in order for them to exchange ideas and opinions, express emotions, and present information. They will also gain the relevant language skills for success in future courses and develop the ability to communicate more effectively and efficiently in the language for the fulfillment of their various needs.
Hence the program is offered at two different levels:
English Foundation Program - A program very carefully prepared for students from vernacular medium to English medium enriching their ability to communicate effectively in English.
Bridge High School program - A program specially designed and certified in collaboration with Bridge Education Group USA for students from English medium background but lacking the proper environment to communicate fluently in English.
Identity formation is regarded as the key developmental task for adolescence which occurs through the intense exploration of goals, beliefs, and personal values.
During this period, students typically begin exploring, creating, and consolidating an identity that provides meaning to their lives.
At State Universal Academy (SUA) we encourage students to develop their soft skills and develop their personalities together with their academic skills. We believe that developing their professional, social, and soft skills to harness hidden strengths, capabilities and knowledge equip them to excel in the real work environment and corporate life.
Pondering over all these vital aspects, JC Group has specially designed the Image Building curriculum under I – PERSONA Certification program – a mandatory part of the regular curriculum which will allow students explore the key areas of self-improvement where they are more likely to feel fulfilled in their personal life as well as it could more benefit them from a professional perspective.
Expected Learning Outcomes: